Outside Circle by Jan Swan Wood: Breakaway practice, Winner’s Club resumes, horse sale, clinics, bull bash

EVENT SERIES: March 15, 2025 >ARTHUN EQUINE SERVICES TEAM ROPING SERIES: 1:30 p.m., Mar. 29; Arthun Arena, Gillette, Wyo. .>ARTHUN EQUINE SERVICES/TURBIVILLE ROPING CATTLE FRIDAY NIGHT ROUND ROBIN TEAM ROPING: 6:30 p.m., March 28; Arthun Arena, Gillette, Wyo. >BARREL BLAST SERIES: April 6, 20; June 7, 21; July 19; Aug. 30-Sept. 1; Goshen Co. Fairgrounds, Torrington, Wyo. >BOND RANCH COW HORSE SERIES: April 12; Worden, Mont. >DOUGLAS WINTER BREAKAWAY SERIES: Mar. 29; Ford Pavillion Indoor, Wyo. State Fairgrounds, Douglas, Wyo. >FAMILY TIMED EVENT RODEO SERIES: 9 a.m., Mar. 23; Apr. 6; May 4; Agripark College Barn, Sheridan, Wyo. >JACKSON YOUTH RODEO SERIES: Mar. 16, 30; April 13; Four Seasons Indoor Arena, Newcastle, Wyo. >J BAR C BARREL AND POLE JACKPOT SERIES: Mar. 22; Apr. 5, 19; May 17, 31; The Weiser Barn, Wheatland, Wyo. >KNUCKLE BAR BULL RIDING SERIES:  April 12, May 17, Sept. 27, Oct. 25, Nov. 15, Dec 6 finals; Knuckle Saloon, Sturgis, S.D. >MPR WINTER PENNING AND SORTING SERIE; Mar. 23; April 13, 27; Lazy 3S Arena, Parker, S.D. >RANCH SORTING SERIES: 9 a.m.; Apr. 12; Hot Springs Co. Fairgrounds, Thermopolis, Wyo.
TRI-STATE O-MOK-SEE WINTER SERIES: April 6 (finals); Lazy S3 Arena, Parker, S.D.
  SCHEDULE OF EVENTS March 15, 2025 > Draft  Horse Driving School, Mar. 15-16, McKenzie Co. Fairgrounds, Watford City, N.D. > Bucking Horse School, March 15-16, Healing Horse Ranch, Parshall, N.D. > Bareback and Saddle Bronc School, Mar. 15-16, Valley Co. Fairgrounds, Ord, Neb. > Rookie Rough Stock Challenge, Mar. 16, Valley Co. Fairgrounds, Ord, Neb. > Gordon Livestock Open Horse Sale, Mar. 18, 2 p.m., Gordon, Neb. > Sheridan Livestock Market Horse Sale, Mar. 19, 2 p.m., Rushville, Neb. > Lancer Rodeo Breakaway Jackpot, Mar. 21, 5:30 p.m., Goshen Co. Fairgrounds, Torrington, Wyo. > 35th Annual Spring Vacation Steer Wrestling School, Mar.21-23, Keith Co. Fairgrounds, Ogallala, Neb. > Women’s Ranch Bronc Riding School, Mar. 21-23, Healing Horse Ranch, Parshall, N.D. > Paul Tierney/Paul David Tierney Breakaway and Tie Down Clinic, Mar. 22-23, Martin’s Arena, Sturgis, S.D. > Spring Fest Barrel Race, Mar. 22-23, James Kjerstad Event Center, Rapid City, S.D. > High School Rough Stock Clinic, Mar. 22-23, Gillette College Indoor Arena, Gillette, Wyo. > Spring Fling Women’s Ranch Bronc Riding, Mar. 23, Healing Horse Ranch, Parshall, N.D. > Nebraska Rodeo Timers, Secretaries, Judges Clinic, Mar. 23, Broken Bow, Neb. > Equine Dental Seminar, Mar. 23, 2 p.m., Rafter MB Arena, Wheatland, Wyo. > Chelsea Novogad Breakaway Roping Clinic, Mar. 25-26, Klatt Arena, Dickinson, N.D. > J.J. and Ryan Elshere High School Bronc Riding School, Mar. 26, Kjerstad Event Center, Rapid City, S.D. > Winner’s Club Roping Practice, Mar. 28, Shearer/Reinart Barn, Wall, S.D. >Montana Western’s Colt Challenge & Sale, Mar. 28-29, Mont. Center for Horsemanship, Dillon, Mont. > Bond Ranch Makeup Cow Horse Show, Mar. 29, Bond Ranch, Worden, Mont. > Twin Buttes Bull Buckin’ Futurity and Bull Riding, Mar. 29, 3 p.m. CST, Twin Buttes, N.D. > Hollers-Golliher Breakaway Clinics, Apr. 4-6, Apr. 17-19, Golliher Arena, Belle Fourche, S.D. > Bothwell Bull Riding and Bull Fighting School, April 4-6, Bothwell Arena, Rapid City, S.D. > RELOCATED: Smooth Is Fast Pole Bending Clinic, April 5, Lazy Heart L Arena, Edgemont, S.D. > Kramer Horse, Tack and Hay Auction, Apr. 6, Colman, S.D. > Winner’s Club Roping Practice, Apr. 11, Martin’s Arena, Sturgis, S.D. > Jordan Ann Thurston-Miller Goat Tying Clinic, Apr. 11, Crook Co. Fairgrounds, Sundance, Wyo. > Three Day Beginner Ranch Roping Clinic, Apr. 11-13, Huntley, Mont. > Smooth is Fast Pole Bending Clinic, Apr. 12, Four Seasons Arena, Newcastle, Wyo. > Hanson/Wardell Barrel Racing Clinic, Apr. 18, All Seasons Arena, Bowman, N.D. > SDJHRA Rodeo, Apr. 18-19, James Kjerstad Event Center, Rapid City, S.D. > Open Barrel Racing Jackpot, Apr. 19, James Kjerstad Event Center, Rapid City, S.D. > Youth Trail Clinic, Apr. 19, Stillwater Civic Center, Columbus, Mont. > Gordon Livestock Open Horse Sale, April 22, 2 p.m., Gordon, Neb. > Winner’s Club Roping Practice, Apr. 25, Shearer/Reinart Barn, Wall, S.D, > Rodeo Rough Stock School, Apr. 25-26, Cowley Co. Fairgrounds, Cowley, Wyo. > BHSU Yellow Jacket Stampede Rodeo, Apr. 25-26, Seven Down Indoor Arena, Spearfish, S.D. > Dom’s 18th Birthday Bull Bash, Apr. 26, 2 p.m., Three Mile Creek Arena, Kyle, S.D. > Good’s Annual Steer Wrestling School and Jackpot, Apr. 26-27, Good’s Arena, Long Valley, S.D. > Hanson/Wardell Barrel Racing Clinic, May 2, J. Kjerstad Event Center, Rapid City, S.D. > SDJHRA Rodeo, May 2-3, Huron, S.D. > Winner’s Club Roping Practice, May 9, Martin’s Barn, Sturgis, S.D. > SDJHRA Rodeo Finals, May 16-18, Rapid City, S.D. > Hollers-Golliher Breakaway Clinic May 16-18, Golliher Arena, Belle Fourche, S.D. > Winner’s Club Roping Practice, May 23, Shearer/Reinart Barn, Wall, S.D. > Bowman Livestock Spring Catalog Horse Sale, May 29, Bowman, N.D. > ESLM Spring Catalog Horse Sale, May 31, Erickson, Neb. > Gordon Livestock Spring Catalog Horse Sale, June 3, 12:30 p.m., Gordon, Neb.

My oh my, what a miserable wind we’ve had. Some places worse than others, as west Texas, Oklahoma and New Mexico have been virtually scoured off the map. I’m all caught up on wind and daydreaming about moisture. There’s a hint of green trying to show but it needs a drink.

If you want to get some breakaway practice in, Golliher Arena, Belle Fourche, S.D., will be holding practices on Thursdays, 3-6 p.m., weather permitting. It’s open to all levels of ropers and horses. It’s $20/horse if roping the sled or live cattle, $10/horse just for riding. Tune into the Golliher Arena Facebook page for weather updates.

SDHSRA members have free permits for all SDRA rodeos. When you enter online you need to write HSMember as card number or if calling, tell the operator. If you qualify for the SDRA finals, you will need to have a SDRA membership to go.

More good news on the breakaway roping front! The Calgary Stampede has added women’s breakaway for 2025. The iconic rodeo is held July 4-13 at Calgary, Alberta. The breakaway is presented in partnership with WPRA.

I’m glad to see that the Winner’s Club practice ropings will be happening again. Not only can one practice team roping, calf roping and breakaway, but there’s a meal provided and a positive, Christian message afterward. It will cost $30/person. The events will be held in two locations with dates as follows: Mar. 28 at Wall; Apr. 11 at Sturgis; Apr. 25 at Wall; May 9 at Sturgis; May 23 at Wall. The Sturgis practices will be at Martin’s Barn east of Sturgis on Hwy 34. The Wall practices at Shearer/Reinart Barn. To learn more about it, call Dane Kissack 605-645-8298 or Grady Egly 605-890-0061.

 The rescheduled Bond Ranch Cow Horse Show will be Mar. 29 at Worden, Mont. For more information and to enter, go to

Apr. 6 is the date for the Kramer Horse, Tack and Hay auction at Colman, S.D. The hay will sell at noon, tack at 12:15 p.m., horses at around 2:30. For details, call Nick at 605-323-7906 or Ashley 605-530-1083.

A Three Day Beginner Ranch Roping Clinic will be Apr. 11-13 at Huntley, Mont. It will cover the basics from roping on the ground to in the saddle, getting your horse ready, and more. For details call/text 406-696-2494, or email

Another Smooth Is Fast Pole Bending Clinic has been added. It will be at the Four Seasons Arena, Newcastle, Wyo., on Apr. 12. It’s $350/student. To sign up, PM Jayde Trump on Facebook.

There will be two barrel racing clinics with Taylor Hanson and Brandee Wardell. The Apr. 18 one will be at All Seasons Arena, Bowman, N.D., and the May 2 one will be at the James Kjerstad Event Center, Rapid City, S.D. Cost is $400 for either clinic, with $50 deposit to hold your spot. You can audit for $50. For information or to sign up, contact Brandee at 608-553-0521 or Taylor at 605-210-2543.

Here’s the list of SDJHRA rodeos for this year. April 18-19 will be at Rapid City, S.D.; May 2-3 is at Huron, S.D.; state finals will be May 16-18 at Rapid City, S.D.

Tom Reeves, Eagle Butte, S.D., will be holding the Introduction to Saddle Broncs schools in the coming months. Dates are Apr. 19, May 6, June 3, July 8, Aug. 12, with more dates possible. I’ll share signup details here as I get them. You can also call Tom at 605-218-1954 to learn more.

 Dom’s 18th Birthday Bull Bash is to be held Apr. 26, 2 p.m., at Three Mile Creek Rodeo Arena, Kyle, S.D. There will be Mini bulls, Jr. bulls, Open bulls, and Women’s cow riding. Call in starts at noon on Apr. 19 at 605-867-1336. There will also be boot races for the kids, a bull scramble and bull poker for the adults, plus other games. Sounds like a fun time to be had!

Well, I’m going to get off this windy ridge and call that my circle for this week. Please pray for moisture over the whole plains region, pray for our nation, our leadership, military and first responders. May God bless America!