leonard wolfgram: BONE CRUNCHERS

Hullette Hugh bucked off at fall roundup

Boys hadn’t seen ‘im for quite sometime

When the door to the Hurry Back opened

In steps this ray of sunshine

His face had a ghastly pallor

He walked with a noticeable gimp

Feet shufflin’, he couldn’t walk

Each step brought a low whimper

The boys said “Hugh what happened”

Sit down we’ll buy you a brew”

Whitewood Walt said. “Hugh, ya look awful”

What’n hell happened to you?”

Hugh said, “after buckin’ off da fall roundup

I had this crick in muh neck

So, I went to see this bone cruncher

See if’n there was somthin’ ta fix

He stretches me out on a table

Jumps on my back, lands with both knees

A strangled scream stuck in muh throat

I blacked out for a minute or three

Then sits on muh back facin’ backwards

He twists muh left leg; I let’s out a howl

Then does the same with the right one

Then tries to tie ’em like shoelace bow

Then pivots round grabs my right arm

Yanks it back by muh left ear

Wraps his leg round under muh chin

Like he’s wrasslin’ a grow’d up steer

Then he twists muh head ’round like a chicken

I let out a gargled scream

Muh eyes crossed but I could see

The Wrangler W on the butt of muh jeans!

Then he sits on muh back’n starts jumpin’

Felt ever bone in muh back snap!

Then climbs off’n rolls me over

Says “you’ll feel better’n a day’n a half”!

Well boys I can tell ya

This bone crunchers a real go-getter

I heard him say as I crawled out the door

“Tomorrow ya’ll feel a whole lot better”!

Well three months is gone come Monday

An’ if it don’t beat all with a stick

Finally got so I can walk again

 But I still got this crick kin muh neck!

So fellers I can tell ya

An’ it’s becomin’ muh firm belief

Don’t believe them shingles that tell ya

“Come in fer instant relief”!